Flu Shots Are Worth It
The flu can be a serious threat to your health, but you can protect yourself by getting a flu shot.
The flu can be a serious threat to your health, but you can protect yourself by getting a flu shot.
Many people eat too many salty foods, and kids are no exception. Parents can set the stage for better adult habits by putting limits on salty foods right from the start.
If you’re groggy in the morning despite getting enough rest, you may have to change your sleep habits.
When the temperature drops this winter, don’t let your motivation for exercise fall along with it.
The common cold and a mild flu don’t usually require a trip to the doctor. But parents should look for warning signs that your child needs a checkup.
For such a small gland, the thyroid has a big job. It keeps your body working properly.
You’ve done your homework, made your plan, tossed out all your cigarettes and now the big day is here, day one of your plan to quit smoking.
Adding more color to your foods makes meals more interesting and may add nutrients to your diet.
If you’re getting ready to make New Year’s fitness resolutions — don’t. Instead, design a yearlong fitness plan to make sure that you have effective lifestyle changes in place.
Caregiving is a stressful, time-consuming job that’s even more difficult when you also work outside the home.